Thursday, January 27, 2011

Icthyology and The Science of Love

Emoticons are strange creatures that come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. They roam the internet searching out those that need them most. It seems that wherever Sabrael and I go, a small school of fish seems to follow. In the past few months I've had many opportunities to study these strange, silly creatures. I've taken the liberty of jotting down some of my field notes for you enjoyment and some tips for you in case you run into them someday.

Pisces Faciem
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Adorable isn’t he? Such a silly, simple fish. You don’t believe he could change the world do you? Well, you’re right. He probably couldn’t. Be he changed mine. This is Sebastian and I first met him two days before my nineteenth birthday but I had no idea at the time how important he would come to be in my life or how I would get to see him evolve over time. He has a very sweet temperament though occasionally, if incensed, can turn into Rage Fish (pictured here O 3 O). Though this is usually just in response to Sorcha being uncooperative so he’s feeling a bit cranky and needs to throw a temper tantrum.

o 3 o
This is Belle. She is much more shy. Before August 7 (almost 5 months after the discovery of Sebastian) it was thought that she was simply a myth. Some sightings had been reported but they were all unsubstantial claims. Since then her appearances have been much more frequent. Often she appears when Sorcha has an idea to propose or if in fits of laziness she doesn’t want to do anything. Context is very important for interpreting Belle’s actions. She also has a variant similar to the Rage Fish (pictured here ^ 3 ^) however this is the Excitement Fish. Excitement fish tends to be even more dangerous than Rage Fish because she appears when excitement levels have reached near critical conditions and something is likely to explode.

Pisces Tardus
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Though it could be argued that this fish is not truly it’s own species, merely a variation of Pisces Faciem, his impact is wide spread enough to warrant a specific mention. Known more commonly as Slow Fish or Tard Fish, his exact origins are unknown as by the time he was discovered, methods of recording became too varied for proper research to be facilitated. However he is significantly more recent than the other two. His far spread eyes give him a slow but quite lovable appearance. He often appears when someone is trying to garner sympathy or adorable points. At this point, his name is unknown. He is much less verbal than Belle and Sebastian and though he likes people isn’t incredibly social.

Pisces Tardis
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The newest discovered fish, Pisces Tardis, or Eccleston as he prefers to be called, is probably the most fantastic of all the fish. He has the unique ability to be able to travel through time and space at his discretion, provided that there is a source of clean water awaiting him on the other end. Other than that, he’s quite a mysterious fish and little is known about him. However, he seems to be incredibly fond of BBC television and somehow always knows to show up when it is being watched.

And next time we will look into the special mutations of the Pisces family. Heart shapes eyes and rosey cheeks: signs of fanciful feelings? Or natures sense of humor? But for now I’ll just leave you with this. Don’t forget to feed your digital aquarium and have a great weekend.

P.S. I feel like I always use this segment of my posts to whine about how it was a hard week, assure you of how much I love you, and make promises about the next week being better. No more. Yes, this week was hard. Actually, most of January was hard. Excruciatingly hard at times. But you know what? That doesn't really matter. Because whether or not things get better, we found a way though it. We worked through all our obstacles, technical difficulties, and what was basically our first real fight. I feel more confident now than ever that we can make it through anything that gets thrown our way. I love you so much Bun and no matter what happens, I'm willing to fight for you. O 3 O Belle and I will always be here for you. <3

Monday, January 24, 2011

Culinary Perfection

There are many classic recipes found in cookbooks far and wide. Simplicity made complex by each chefs own personal spin on the original. Among these basic recipes is one that is held in high esteem to me is the ever beloved: Macaroni and Cheese. Macaroni and Cheese has existed in many forms from instant prepackaged, frozen TV dinner, baked in a crunchy casserole and even made fresh in a gourmet manner. Of all of these, one is a culinary perfection. But to explain this, I would have to go back into history to explain the secret ingredient.

This special item is produced from the every adorable Sorcha. Her mere presence flavors experiences with a uniqueness that is unsurpassed. She makes the most boring and mundane of events into fun-filled adventures always leaving you wanting more. One could even say she is fun incarnate, or fun’s sister that you end up hanging out with because she is just better than fun. Never afraid to be silly, and always willing to take things serious when the time is needed. Having her in your life is like the salad table of a buffet. You see the bowl of bacon bits, and the small spoon of a suggested portion, and you just take the bowl and abandon your Ceasar with the Thousand Islands on it, skipping happily to your table like a little girl locked in the bathroom with a whole cake. And that is what Sorcha is. Sorcha is the Bacon Bits that make life interesting.

And we come back to Macaroni and Cheese. Everyone loves this dish, as either a main course or a side item. I have always found Macaroni and Cheese well deserving of entree status. But while many like it baked with a crunchy breaded top coat, I have always been fond of that which emerges from the sauce pan: thick and gooey with yellow cheeses. But while this is simply good, I must argue that those who have never moved beyond this station in their life are missing something that I could never dream of being without: bacon bits. Once added, everyone looks forward to their cheesy pasta with blissful eyes and ravaging appetites. And that is what Sorcha is. She is the bacon bits on life that make me want to go on, and make me hunger for new things with her at my side. And with that, I hope you find the person who is that extra thing in your life that makes it all so bearable. Until next time, let your keyboard have a taste of pudding, and have a great week.

P.S. Last week was just silly my love, but it was fun writing side by side with you, even if our readers might not figure it out. I love you so much, and I know I’ve been a bit moody since I’ve been under the weather. Thank you for putting up with so much of my lethargy. I’m looking forward to all our plans here and in our other projects. I love you so much my Bacon Bits. <3

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Through The Halls of the Mind, Episode 1

[Warning: The following is rated I, for Insane. Please do not consume alcohol or operate heavy machinery 24 hours after digesting.]

Hi Nutmeg! o 3 o Okay, so we are doing the story, and we are moving it to anniversary special post day. I love it. XD It pops. I think so, it’s junk without glitter. I never saw it, and she is ‘eh’ in my eyes. Yet to hear a song of hers I like. I was about to say “My Heart Will Go On” but that was someone else right? Ah, there we go, and it’s a good song. I actually liked Titanic, despite DiCrapio. Down among the pigs, dance hearty jig, sets me heart a-bubblin’. I may have. XD I did like him in Man in the Iron Mask. It’s good, but there is a funny part where he is laying in bed with an equally blond girl and you can hardly tell them apart. We do... er... did. It’s the story ideas for... let me copy this down: Anniversary Post Birthday 6 Month Valentine’s Pop Spectacular Glitter Awesomeness. or APB6MVPSGA. It’s easier to remember that way. And zOMG Meg, that is very lady like to mention it here. Welcome back. Was is Mountain Dew Yellow? Oh good, I always worry your not drinking enough water. Poor Meg. But back on topic, the story for the APB6MVPSGA. Yes, yes she is. o 3 o <3 I might be in love with her. And by might be, I mean I am. But you have to admit: we’re awesome. XD Exactly! So STORY! Before we get distracted again. We can tease them, after all, they don’t know what it’s about, but we can spill a few choice tidbits. Like for one, I liked our idea of starting it with tea. Also that. Also it’s the first piece of fiction either of us have written in some time, and the absolute first we’ve done together. ^ ^ That wasn’t really a short story, more of a blurb. XD

Hey Bun ^ ^ We need an epic name for that. Anniversary Post Birthday 6 Month Valentine’s Pop Spectacular Glitter Awesomeness. It’s the glitter isn’t it, really makes all the difference. Though in all actuality, Glitter was a terrible movie. God, I hate Mariah Carry. #1) Nope, Celene Dion #2) Props to you for admitting in a semi public manner that you like that song. But... but he’s hot ^ ^ Besides, my favorite part was all the Irish people. I have a thing for Irish boys, you might have noticed. Haven’t seen it yet. XD That’s awesome! Anywho, I think we’re getting a bit off topic. Though, do we have a topic, really? Ah, hold that thought. I gotta pee! What? It’s not like I gave you details. Nope! I’m properly hydrated! That’s because I’m lazy and the sink is down the hall -_- Best name ever, just to point out. Whoever came up with that must be especially awesome. See, this is what I love about this article. It’s not a filler strip though I’m sure some people will see it that way. This blog is not about our readers, it’s about us. This is us. This is what we do, this is how we talk. We’re not trying to make this a chore or turn it into some quest to be more impressive. We’re just being us ^ ^ As you (but unfortunately not our readers) can see by my awesome dance right now. But we can’t post stuff about that here. We don’t wanna spoil it for those people *points to assorted herd of somewhat terrified looking readers behind their computer screens*. Like how it’s the first piece of fiction to be featured on Love 2.0? Eh, that’s a bit misleading. You’re forgetting the Lyris and Jin tidbit that’s hidden away in Google Docs XD I need to reread that sometime... So, if we’re going to get serious about what we’re supposed to be talking about I vote we go down a paragraph.

Okay, new paragraph, but I say to be even more difficult to read, we just type one after another. Let them figure out who said what. Oki ^ ^ But it’s hard to type with your cursor staring at me like that. Try to be a little considerate. It just likes you is all. Cursor thinks your adorable, and that your writing is cute. He is also of the mind that Tiny Sorchas should write in equally tiny fonts. <3 (Ok, in a random side note you really should listen to my current favorite song. You did give it to me after all. And your mustache man is making me giggle as he rides my sentence) :{D Wheeee~ (But what song is it? Hmm.) (15 Minutes by The Yeah You’s) (Ah, Easy A Soundtrack. ^ ^ Glad I could oblige.) (I’m only mildly obsessed with it. I’ve listened to it all the way through thrice but my favorites have many more plays ^ ^) (Of course. But I digress, we are off topic again) Back to the main purpose: it begins with tea. And our narrator is neither him nor her, but he knows what they will be going through, and will also have a dry witty humor... and if it had a voice it would be sarcastic and British. Very British. With no hard R sounds. I’m glad you got that impression too. So it’s not just me ^ ^ No, not just you. ^ ^ I get the feeling it’ll insult them off-handedly. There is also a good amount of adorable clumsiness and, if I remember correctly, scarves. Yes, the scarf is important. And the adorableness is overflowing from the... pages? Is that appropriate to use in a digital medium? Pages is always an appropriate word. It’s one of my favorites. ^ ^ Of course it is my love. Okay, so we have those vagaries (Did I really write vaguities there? Wow. Just making up the language now aren’t I?) (Yes you are my squeedlysplooch ^ ^) (<3 <3 <3) down, and that should be enough to make the few but dedicated readers we have wondering what it will be about. Anything we should say before we leave them wondering? (Also i vote we go up and introduce what the heck is going on to the readers before we finish up down here). (No way, our readers are smart enough to figure it out. Don’t wanna baby them. They’re not our children, love) (Okay, deal.) So are we missing anything? Our sign off. Ah, of course, to everyone out ther--- I GOT A GOOD ONE!!! *sigh* Go ahead my dear. ^ ^ So, buy your computer a decoder ring and have a great rest of the week. ^ ^ See, get the pun! Because it’s a ring! A ring! Like lovey stuff ^ ^ Like the clock ring you just sent me ^ ^ Yes, we got that dear. XD I love you. I love you too o^ ^o

P.S. Just wanted to take a moment and thank our readers once again. I’m sure I speak for both of use when I say your comments, questions and even ideas are encouraged. If you’ve got stories to share we’d love those too. Sometimes it feels kind of lonely and awkward having to explain to people that you’re in a long distance or online relationship. Yes indeed, you sometimes get those certain looks or groans from people. But if you do have stories, feel free to email them to us, sometimes even we need support too. Our profile portraits have out email addresses, and we’d gladly showcase your tales here. We hope your enjoying the new year with us here at Love 2.0, and we look forward to a long year of romance in a digital age. <3

Friday, January 14, 2011

A Farewell to the Holidays, Pt 2

When my original plan to go visit Sab and Jhovanny for the holidays fell through, to put it lightly I wasn’t pleased. I have the unfortunate burden of being a stress shopper so I promptly went out and spent all the money I’d been saving for the trip. For the first time I bought myself Christmas presents (those of you know know me well may know that I typically feel great guilt buying things for myself, not this time). Though since I had a month long winter break before I needed to be back in classes, I realized I was going to have to find something fun to do or my brains might explode from boredom. My parents and sister had already been planning a trip out to Ohio to visit my Grandparents so I convinced my Dad, on the way back, to drop me off in Indiana so I could visit some of my High School friends.

I am neither an introvert nor an extrovert. I am a curious mix of the two (a woman of contradictions remember). My extroverted side was excited, I would get to see family and friends that I hadn’t been able to in months if not years. However my introverted side was completely unaware that she would go through the most intense torture she’d been faced with since that one semester she’d thought it would be a good idea to become an RA. I did not have a single moment where I could be completely alone over the next two weeks. I slept on couches, shared beds, and napped in train seats. Even asleep I had no privacy. There were many car trips, some where I, a tiny girl of 5’2” had to squeeze to fit my legs in around the people, junk, and car parts. There was rarely viable internet so I couldn’t keep up with my YouTube subscriptions, writing (including this blog), work emails, and, the one that wore on me the most, Sabrael. There was even a time where the texting on our phones decided to give out and service was unreliable so I think our longest calls lasted about 10 minutes before they were dropped. These were some of the hardest two weeks I’ve had to endure in a long time but, also one of the best vacations I’ve ever been on.

As my friend Rachel so tastefully put it, “There was a time when you were so far up Sab’s ass, you didn’t talk to any of us.” And as much as I hate to admit this, it’s true. I’m already really bad about keeping up with old friends (when you move approximately every 3 years and have gone to four different schools in the last 6, old friends tend to pile up) already but I tend to let them drop even more when something new comes along. Not that I’m trying to replace them, but I’m just lazy and to be honest kind of selfish. When Sab came around, I’d already begun to push my friends away. I was in a bad place and really just didn’t want to deal with anyone. By the time things started to change for me, I’d fallen into a pattern.

I love Sab, with all of my heart, but that doesn’t mean I get to neglect other people who need me. I’ve got to learn to balance both sides of my life because I couldn’t bear to let either of them go. So for my January Goal (per my resolutions) that’s what I’m going to do, balance out my life. I’m going to work at staying in touch with my friends better, write letters, emails, texts, and check up on them from time to time. Then Sab and I have decided that we need some time just for us. We spend a lot of time working on projects, school work, and just generally being distracted. So every week we’re going to take some time and shut everything else down for a little while. I don’t want to neglect any of my relationships this year. So until next time, spend some quality time with your web cam, and have a great weekend.

P.S. - Sabrael, I cannot put into words how much I’ve missed you over this vacation. I am so glad that I am back, 1600 miles somehow feels so much closer than 1800. We got some great things planned over the next couple of months and I’m really looking forward to being there with you and seeing how things work out. Just don’t ever forget that I love you and you are always in my thoughts. Thanks for always being there for me when I need you, supporting me in all I do, and keeping me from rewriting this article again. <3

Monday, January 10, 2011

A Farewell to the Holidays, Part 1

And so the holidays come to a close, and we here at Love 2.0 want to welcome everyone back to a New Year. So for the last four weeks, give or take, both Sorcha and I were on Holiday (You'll read her adventures later). My oddball adventures began simply, staying with my mother a week before Christmas. I had already known before hand that I would be in charge of Christmas Dinner since my mother had recently begun a late-night working schedule. I was happy to oblige of course since as few know, I am an aspiring chef. So Christmas Dinner was a smash success: Roast Beef, Honey Ham, Loaded Mashed, Sage and Herb Stuffing and White Rice. I was applauded by my family as everyone enjoyed the food, and my mother and I enjoyed the leftovers - for days. So help me if I see more holiday ham before next Christmas I may hurt someone. I got some good gifts: a new Cook Book, Paid Hosting, A Donation for CO.CC and a fully repaired secondary laptop!

New Years Eve was uneventful, spent it alone watching TV. New Years Day was more exciting, I spent it with my former room mates and we had a blast in the Venetian Canals, browsing the shops that caught out interests. I did get to lay eyes upon a beautiful treasure: the First Copy of the First Edition of Carroll's "Through the Looking Glass". A Mere $7300 and it would be mine to own! I also found a First Edition of Card's "Ender's Game". One of my room mates mentioned seeing a display of Ptolemy's Atlas which I felt ashamed in not noticing. We also visited a Montblanc store, which in case no one knows, is a store for Moogles (Argh, bad joke). No, in reality it is a high end finery shop for the business folk. My interests lay in their assortment of writing implements and their smooth flowing ink pens. Let is be known that I would gladly pay the $800 it takes for one of those lovely items. It shall pen every first draft for the rest of my life. After all that we ate at a nice Hawaiian place then stayed up playing Munchkin and Goldeneye. Aside from that, my final week before our triumphant return has been uneventful. I did manage to get my new laptop in order among other things, and both Sorcha and I started work on keeping our resolutions.

Now as mentioned, we are changing up our format here, instead of one special article a month, we are alternating between weeks in which we update Mondays and Fridays, and weeks in which we update Wednesdays. So look forward to that. I would also like to thank those of you who have been leaving us those wonderful comments, and I welcome everyone to leave us more inspiring comments, questions, and suggestions. I will also ask that if you have any friends or family who would enjoy reading our romantic adventures, please pass on our address, which you may have noticed has changed to the much simpler So until next time, get your laptop a shiny new processor, and have a great week.

P.S. To my beloved Sorcha; throughout the entire stint, I was cut off from you due to Holidays of your own, dealing with family, friends, and festivities. Now the whole time I missed you dearly of course, but as the days went on I began to miss you more and more. And every form of communication we had dwindled, circumstances just stacked against us. It was annoying. Now we had come into this relationship with a unique mindset that we wanted to be both a couple, as well as keep our individuality. But I had gotten used to having you there, sitting in the corner of my screen, or in my pocket, and without you so readily in contact I felt a little lost. I knew I was supposed to be willing to be myself, but I didn't want to. I was my best when you were there, even if I wasn't talking to you, just knowing there was another heart beating near mine helped all the more. These holidays made me realise why I fell in love with you, and just how much you meant to me. This was the first strain on our relationship, and I know it won't be the last. But I have faith no matter the problems that may arise, we'll fight them together. I love you so very much, and I'm glad we are back. <3