Friday, June 17, 2011

Busy as Bees (or Why we are being so slow.)

So, this summer Sorcha is taking some online classes that involve watching some very nice classic movies (so no complaints from me). That coupled with our sudden desire to get out in the mornings for short walks and of course: work, makes for a busy schedule. And while before this Blog was a priority because it was how we would connect a little more, I’m sure you will all be understanding when I say that it is backseat to, you know, actually connecting. Suffice to say we are still writing this, it’s just being bumped to a bi-weekly extravaganza filled with pictures and other jazz. We’ve been pretty busy to say the least. But why tell you when I can show you? Through the magic of photochronology I plan on explaining what the last month (four days short of) has been like... in reverse order! Oh my goodness! Let’s begin!

Sorcha conquers a bridge along the way!

So today was Day Two of our new found desire to get up early and take a walk before starting our day. Not that we had been sleeping in that late, but we thought a walk might help us get to doing stuff sooner. And it is working so far. So during today’s walk, we decided we wanted to swing at the local park on the Waterfront. The adventure went as follows, and you can follow along with the pictures (Yes, there are pictures! What? And this is in no way making up for missing last week. Clearly.)

And then she was butterflies.

So we started our day by having a short walk before heading to Java Jive and getting some healthy berry muffins for breakfast. We sat, and talked, and decided to be productive and plan some fun things to do during our off time so we could get more done.

We ended up leaving as Sorcha decided she wanted to swing. And our journey to the park began! But as we approached the levy, things did not bode well. There was water flooding from the underside.

"I don't think this was where we parked the car..."

We trotted up a small hill and lo and behold! The park was underwater! More or less. Unlike the NY Times has stated (Thanks a lot guys. Really.). But no, the city is not in any way underwater. But it was a beautiful site to see actually, the breeze was making the water ripple, and I even caught site of a few splashing fish. For someone whose only experience has been oceans and beaches, seeing a river is an entirely different spectacle to be honest. sort of makes you feel small. (But not as small as Sorcha.)

Sorcha G. Dubhsioc

That was today. Most of what we’ve been doing is working and relaxing in our down time with YouTube videos about Minecraft and Slenderman, hilariously dubbed Anime and Movies. Blockbuster has become our best friend for movies, especially since we made friends with a worker and got a nice deal for a free movie up until July 4th. We did however raid their pins and other collectibles, and I got myself a Voodoo Bean Boy from Little Big Planet which I appropriately named "Baron Samedi". Aside from that, work. Lots of work. In case your curious, here is what we looked like on day one of work. I think we are a little too comfortable in our uniforms.

Sabrael D. Carroll

I am a huge fan of dressing up when the situation calls for it., so the concept behind the uniform appeals to me. One fun fact is that the clothes I am wearing are completely my own. I do indeed own a red vest with matching bowtie. I've never had an occasion to wear it until now, so I am pleased. Also note, that tiny rocking horse will always be the momento of a hilarious story we will tell our children. You all don’t get to hear it. Work was easy to get used too. Not unlike hospitality, but I did truly enjoy one aspect the most: desserts. You see folks, I am in charge of putting out trays of desserts for our guests. I am a stickler for presentation, so this appeals to my baker side a whole lot. I've been having fun with it, even recently baked some tasty Blueberry Cupcakes from scratch.

Silly Sorcha!

Here is a fun story: before our first day of work, we took a trip to Walmart, just Sorcha and I, and we got many stares. One from children whose faces wondered why they had to walk. Another little girl looked pleased, as if she realized she would never have to get out of the cart ever. Needless to say, it was a riot when I rolled Sorcha up to the cashier.

Also a Silly Sabrael

The pictures should explain it, but if your confused, I think you just failed the test. If you can figure it out, then congrats. “The rest of you will get that tomorrow. We don’t slow down just because your slow. We let you catch up.”

Where are our arms?!

So aside from that, we’ve had a few dates, and such. Our first official movie together was Pirates of the Caribbean On Stranger Tides (definitely not the best pirates so far...), and while waiting for the movie to start we started snacking on Sour Patch Kids and sort of just played with my phone. It’s difficult to take a picture of yourself. I don’t know how those mySpace (Should it be my[___] now?) girls do it.

For the time being, there were two other major events: Ren Fest (A first!) and a trip to the zoo (Another first!) but I won’t be covering those. Since Sorcha did a nice article about things she wants to make me do that as a City Boy I haven’t done, I’ll let her explain those... with pictures! So until next time, show your RAM some love, and have a great weekend.

P.S. My dear Sorcha, your adorable, and recounting these times just reminds me how so. I’ll always let you ride in the cart no matter how old we get. I don’t think these post scripts need be as long since I can turn to my left right now and tell you how much I love you, but at the same time, it is a special place where I can leave bits of love for you to find later. <3

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