Friday, June 24, 2011

To Do: Done!

The moment I found out Sab was coming here, I starting running through the list in my mind of places I wanted to take him and things I wanted to do with him. Though, truthfully, I do this every time I know I'm going to have a guest. This time it was just an extra special one. And one who was a blank slate for many of the things I wanted to share.

I've probably mentioned before that I move around a lot. I've never lived in any one place longer than three years but there's one thing that's always been constant. Everywhere we go, my dad and I get a zoo membership. Since I was a baby he would take me to see birds (his favorites) and antelopes (my favorites) and monkeys (our favorite joke). It was an experience I've learned I almost took for granted, I always just assumed it was something everyone did. Children always do that don't they? They believe that everyone's family is just like their own.

When I learned Sab had never been to a zoo before I knew immediately that was one of the first places I wanted to take him. We're lucky here in this city to have a fabulous zoo with free admission. I gave him one day of rest before dragging him out to Forest Park. Technically, the zoo is within walking distance from my mom's apartment but technicalities and I don't always get along. The roads to get there are twisted, weblike, concoctions but I suppose you can't expect much from what started off as carriage roads. We went about it a little backwards but finally after a long walk we arrived.

The walk was completely worth it just to see Sab light up like he did. We went over to the map and decided on specific points we wanted to hit before we started to wander. The first place we went was the Penguin and Puffin house. He was adorable, pointing out particularly silly birds to me and snapping pictures every few seconds. The rest of the morning was spent in similar fashion. There was another first that morning too because, tragedy of tragedies, he'd never had Dippin Dots before either! It felt particularly appropriate when he got cookies and cream and I got rainbow sherbert (monochrome prince and rainbow princess? anybody remember?).

It took a few more weeks for me to get to the next item on my list. Since eighth grade I've gone to Renaissance Festival at least once every summer. I like checking back in every year with my favorite performers and shop keepers and taking a look at the new acts and items. Poor Sab hadn't had the opportunity to go to one before so I had to drag him along with me! Like most newbies he seemed a little shell shocked when we first arrived but he soon got used to the constant greetings of "Bonjour!", curtsies from fairies, and the abundance of creative headgear. We had a great time just wandering around and we came back with a lot of good loot. Being the good girlfriend that I am I couldn't let him leave without helping him pick out a pirate hat, pistol, and officer's sword. I also introduced him to The Limey Birds and Musical Blades which is an education no one should miss out on. (In fact, go here to educate yourselves! Here and here! Consider yourselves warned on content ^ ^)

I loved getting to share these things with Sab and I loved watching him enjoy them. Though, honestly, any time I get to spend with him is time well used. Whether we're out getting appetizer platters at Applebee's or grocery shopping at Kroger, or watching silly movies while sitting on the floor of his room, it all seems that much better just because he's there. There is something wonderful about knowing that you're not alone.


  1. WTF?!?!?!?!?! HES NEVAR HAD DIPPIN DOTS?!?!?!?! Nigga you were with us for 4 MONTHS!!! You shouldve said something, Yas wouldnt have let him get away without trying Dippin Dots XD

  2. I'm glad that you've rememedied THAT situation. Speaking of zoos... Did you know that Columbus has the best zoo in the nation? Just throwing that out there. You know, for future reference.
    YAY for your adventures! I forget if I commented on the last post, but I loved seeing the pictures. I hope the rest of the summer is just as fun! :D

  3. Have I mentioned that I LOVE you two? Especially after finally meeting Sab, I'm more and more sure that you guys are my role models. I'm glad that this summer is shaping up to be everything you two had hoped for, and more. =)

